Our monthly dinner meeting is Tuesday, November 5. Please RSVP to your email or phone contact by October 29.
When: November 5, 2024
Social 5:30 PM
Dinner 6:00 PM Meeting to follow
Where: Saint Martin of Tours Gym
Menu: ham dinner, scalloped potatoes, salad, bread, dessert
Cost: $12.00 – Bring your own place setting.
Announcements from The Board:
Branch elections will take place at this 11/5 meeting
See details for our October 14 fundraiser on the Events page at Pasta & Meatball Fundraiser – ICF Branch 391
There will not be an ICF meeting on August 1st. Instead, you are invited to attend the District BBQ on August 6th. See the flyer attached. Please let Steve know by July 30th if you plan on attending. Father George is saying Mass. Steve also wants to remind you about the spaghetti drive. If you have any packages of spaghetti to donate, please let Steve know. He said he would be glad to pick it up. Our next branch meeting will be on September 5th.